These are the results from the IIP RIASEC Markers. Your scores for each of the 6 basic interest areas are below.
Realistic | 4 |
Investigative | 13 |
Artistic | 15 |
Social | 25 |
Enterprising | 11 |
Conventional | 10 |
Scores range from 0 to 32. This distribution of scores are below. This graph shows what percent of people received a specific score, for each of the six scales.
You can see that the people who have taken this test are somewhat biased towards S, and away from R and C.
Your highest score was for the Social occupational interest.
See the descriptions for all of the types here.
A persons top three interests areas are sometimes called their "Holland Code". This would make your code SAI. The United States Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration maintains a database of occupations sorted by Holland Code. The list of occupations for the SAI can be found at