Introversion (I) |
Extroversion (E) |
Introversion-Extroversion is your cognitive orientation. Introverts centre themselves inside their bodies. Extroverts centre their attention outside their bodies. [more]
Your score on I-E was 0.625 (scores range from -2 to 2) which indicates that you are extroverted (with medium confidence) [less]
Sensing (S) |
Intuition (N) |
Sensing-Intuition is the first pair of cognitive functions and the preference for how your prefer to be served information; through the five senses or from the subconscious. [more]
Your score on S-N was -3 (scores range from -2 to 2) which indicates that you are a sensor (with high confidence) [less]
Feeling (F) |
Thinking (T) |
Feeling-Thinking is the second pair of cognitive functions, the judging functions, which are used to evaluate goals; either through personal values or objective principles. [more]
Your score on F-T was -3 (scores range from -2 to 2) which indicates that you are a feeler (with high confidence) [less]
Judging (J) |
Perceiving (P) |
Judging-Perceiving is what pair of cognitive functions your prefer to use; Judging is a preference for a structured lifestyle and the use of feeling and thinking while perceiving is the preference for a flexible lifestyle and the use of sensing and intuition. [more]
Your score on J-P was -3 (scores range from -2 to 2) which indicates that you are a judger (with high confidence) [less]