The MGKT measures four scales. You scores for each scale are in the table below.

ScaleCorrect selectionsIncorrect selectionsRaw scoreNormalized score

The "normalized score" is calculated so that the average score is 500 (with a standard deviation of 100).

Questions representative of scale A1 are "Who of these were famous poets?", "Which of these are Broadway musicals?", "Which of these are religious holidays?".

Questions representative of scale A2 are "Which of these drugs are painkillers?", "Which of these diseases are sexually transmitted?", "Which of these are brands of cigarettes?".

Questions representative of scale B1 are "Which of these were ever colonies of France?", "Which of these countries produce a lot of oil?", "Which of these countries possess nuclear weapons?".

Questions representative of scale B2 are "Which of these file types are video?", "Which of these are web browsers?", "Which of these are versions of the Linux operating system?".

The arrangement of these items into scales was done on the basis of statistical technique called factor analysis. The correlation between Domain A and Domain B is nearly zero (meaning if someone scores high in one domain they do not on average score high in the other domain). Scales within domains are positively correlated.

If you are interested in which answers are correct, see items-key.ods.


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