You have completed the Harrower-Erickson Multiple Choice Rorschach Test.
Your score is of 10, meaning you selected answers that are commonly given by individuals with some psychological disturbance. Harrower-Erickson (1945) used four or more poor answers as the criteria for a cognitively disturbed individual, with the note:
There is nothing absolute or final about the choice of four poor answers as the score at which to become suspicious of an individual\'s performance. We selected this point empirically since it seemed to be the one which caught the maximum number of persons who showed some significant disturbance in the particular group that we tested. However, if only the most disturbed individuals are to be screened out, then five poor answers or even 6 may be taken as the criterion. Similarly, if exceptionally well balanced and integrated individuals are to be selected, picking these on the basis of having no poor answers, or only one poor answer, might be useful.
Harrower-Erickson report high validity for the test and recommended the it for use in the screening military personnel, however investigation by others found significant problems with it. Malamud and Malamud (1946) say:
The author of this test reports that 73 to 79 percent of psychiatric cases and only 6 to 16 percent of normals obtained critical scores of four or more poor answers. Subsequent investigators, however, have reported much less satisfactory discriminations. From their results it would appear that the scoring method recommended by Harrower-Erickson for the Multiple Choice Rorschach does not discriminate sufficiently to be very useful as a screening test. Despite these findings the authors believe that the Multiple Choice Rorschach represents an important methodological advance in projective testing.
Below is a chart of how other people who have taken this test here have scored. ![]() The majority (78.7%) did not meet Harrower-Erickson's cut-off for psychological disturbance. NavigationTo return to the main page where other personality tests can be taken, click here. References |